Welcome to EFT Tampa Bay

Welcome to EFT Tampa Bay

“Honoring Dr. Katherine McKay”

Our Mission

EFT Tampa Bay consists of a community of like minded individuals who strive for excellence in the promotion of secure, resilient and successful relationships between partners and within families. Our mission includes the further expansion and refinement of the Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) model through process and outcome research. Another central aspect of our mission is to educate health professionals and to increase public awareness about the efficacy of EFT and its role in strengthening relationship bonds.


EFT Tampa Bay strives to promote EFT to both professionals and clients, working towards healing relationships and restoring connection.

Who We Are

EFT Tampa Bay was formed to give the Tampa Bay area and its clinicians training, support, and a sense of community while advancing the practice of Emotion-Focused Therapy for individuals, couples, and families. The Tampa Bay EFT community has two main constituencies: professionals who practice EFT and potential clients who may use or benefit from EFT services.


Become a member of our network and get the professional edge.

Advice, support, networking & resources.

Continuing professional development.

Latest information on changes in the profession.

Mature couple
Gay couple with child

Since our original formation around five years ago, we have come a long way.

We recently have incorporated as a non-profit organization and have been running regular trainings for EFT in the Tampa Bay area and via Zoom for the last five years.